
This is going to be the fanciest "Hello, world" program you will ever write!

This article is an attempt to teach the basics of Ruby and TDD (with Minitest) at the same time.

It's mainly aimed at people who already know how to code and want to quickly learn such topics.

It's heavily inspired by the first chapter of the awesome Learn Go with Tests, by Chris James.

If you enjoy this, please leave a comment and share so I can measure the interest and maybe evolve this to a free book (still inspired by "Learn Go with Tests" but focused on idiomatic Ruby and Object-Oriented Programming).

It's assumed you already have Ruby installed. The code here were tested on Ruby 3.2.

Hello, World

It is traditional for your first program in a new language to be Hello, World.

Open your terminal and create a hello directory:

mkdir hello

Create a new file called hello.rb and put the following code inside it:

puts("Hello, World")

To run it type ruby hello.rb in your terminal.

How it works

The puts instruction stands for "Put String", and what it does is to put the string you give to it in the output.

In our code we're giving the "Hello, World" string.

How to test

How do you test this program? It is good to separate your "domain" code from the outside world (side-effects). The puts is a side effect (printing to stdout), and the string we send in is our domain.

So, let's separate these concerns so it's easier to test:

def hello()
  return("Hello, world")


We have defined a new function with def and we're returning the string "Hello, world".

Idiomatic Ruby

I'd like to call your attention to the fact that the code above has a lot of parentheses. If you're coming from another programming language you may think it's perfectly normal.

In Ruby the use of these parentheses are usually optional. They may be required to clear up what may otherwise be ambiguous in the syntax, but in simple cases the Ruby programmers usually omit them.

Let's code like a real Rubyist and clear the unnecessary parentheses from our code:

def hello
  return "Hello, world"

puts hello

Another Ruby syntactic sugar is that the last evaluated expression of a ruby function is always returned. Therefore the use of the return in the last line is unnecessary.

So, let's clear our code a little more:

def hello
  "Hello, world"

puts hello

That's much easier on the eyes, don't you agree?

Writing your first test

Now create a new file called hello_test.rb where we are going to write a test for our hello function.

require 'minitest/autorun'
require_relative 'hello'

class TestHello < Minitest::Test
  def test_hello
    expected = "Hello, world"
    actual = hello
    assert_equal expected, actual

The next step is to run the test.

Enter ruby hello_test.rb in your terminal and you should see something like this:

$ ruby hello_test.rb
Hello, world
Run options: --seed 20392

# Running:


Finished in 0.001096s, 912.1682 runs/s, 912.1682 assertions/s.

1 runs, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

If you see something similar to this 👆 then your test passed!

Don't worry (for now) if parts of this output looks cryptic, we'll learn about that soon.

Just to check, try deliberately breaking the test by changing the expected string. You'll notice that the . dot will be replaced with an F, meaning that a Failure happened.

Minitest "rules"

Writing a test with Minitest is like writing a method in a class, but with some "rules" (some of them are not actual strict rules)

In this testing code we're covering some new Ruby concepts:

require and require_relative

When a file needs the code defined in another file, one way to access it is requiring the "another file".

When we use require, we're getting the code from a package installed in our system (in Ruby we call such packages as "gems").

When we use require_relative, we're getting the code from a file stored in a path relative to the current file. In our case, as both hello_test.rb and hello.rb are in the same directory, we can simply use require_relative 'hello' (yeah, you guessed right: the .rb extension can be omitted).

creating a subclass

In the code below we're creating a new class named TestHello as a subclass of Minitest::Test:

class TestHello < Minitest::Test
  # ...

The concept of class and subclass will be explained in another moment. For now just keep in mind that when we create the TestHello as a subclass of Minitest::Test, this means that TestHello inherits the behavior defined in Minitest::Test.

Hello, YOU

Now that we have a test, we can iterate on our software safely.

In the last example, we wrote the test after the code had been written. We did this so that you could get an example of how to write a test and declare a function. From this point on, we will be writing tests first.

Our next requirement is to specify the recipient of the greeting.

Let's start by capturing these requirements in a test. This is basic test-driven development and allows us to make sure our test is actually testing what we want. When you retrospectively write tests, there is the risk that your test may continue to pass even if the code doesn't work as intended.

require 'minitest/autorun'
require_relative 'hello'

class TestHello < Minitest::Test
  def test_hello
    expected = "Hello, meleu"
    actual = hello("meleu")
    assert_equal expected, actual

Now run ruby hello_test.rb and you should see a failure like this:

# Running:


Finished in 0.001266s, 789.7771 runs/s, 0.0000 assertions/s.

  1) Error:
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 0)
    hello.rb:1:in `hello'
    hello_test.rb:7:in `test_hello'

1 runs, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 1 errors, 0 skips

It's important to pay attention to the error message here, it gives us the information we need to figure out what's wrong with our code.

The Ruby interpreter is telling what you need to do to continue. In our test we passed an argument to the hello function, but the function is not prepared to receive an argument. That's why Ruby is telling us: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 0).

Edit the hello function to accept an argument. Now your hello.rb should look like this:

def hello(name)
  "Hello, world"

puts hello

If you try and run your tests again, it will fail with a kinda scary message:

/path/to/hello.rb:1:in `hello': wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1) (ArgumentError)
        from /path/to/hello.rb:5:in `<top (required)>'
        from hello_test.rb:2:in `require_relative'
        from hello_test.rb:2:in `<main>'

This output looks different from what we saw before. But we can see that it's pointing that we're still passing a wrong number of arguments, but now it's complaining that we're giving 0 while hello expects 1.

The error happened when our test file were doing require_relative 'hello' and the line puts hello was reached. That line is being actually executed (we should move that puts to a different file, but let's keep things simple for now).

The line is calling #hello with no arguments, but now it requires one. So let's fix that in hello.rb:

puts hello("world")

Now when you run the tests you should see a failure with this message:

  1) Failure:
TestHello#test_hello [hello_test.rb:8]:
Expected: "Hello, meleu"
  Actual: "Hello, world"

The test is now failing because it's not meeting our requirements.

Let's make the test pass by using the name argument and interpolate it in the string being returned by #hello. In Ruby, we do interpolation with #{variable_name}, like this:

def hello(name)
  "Hello, #{name}"

When you run the tests now, it should pass.

Normally, as part of the TDD cycle, we should now refactor.

A note on source control

At this point, if you are using source control (which you should!) you should commit the code as it is. We have working software backed by a test.


git add hello.rb hello_test.rb
git commit -m 'hello-world, work in progress'

I wouldn't push to main though, because I plan to refactor next. It is nice to commit at this point in case you somehow get into a mess with refactoring - you can always go back to the working version.

Hello, world... again

The next requirement is when our function is called with no arguments, it defaults to printing Hello, world, rather than Hello, .

As TDD practitioners, we write the tests first, so let's write a new failing test.

class TestHello < Minitest::Test
  def test_say_hello_to_people
    expected = "Hello, meleu"
    actual = hello("meleu")
    assert_equal expected, actual

  def test_say_hello_world_when_called_with_no_arguments
    expected = "Hello, world"
    actual = hello
    assert_equal expected, actual

Do note that the test functions now have a descriptive (and long) name. It's important to give descriptive names to your tests, so you can know what to do when they fail.

After running the tests we'll see an output like this:

# Running:


Finished in 0.001415s, 1413.7393 runs/s, 706.8696 assertions/s.

  1) Error:
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1)
    /path/to/hello.rb:1:in `hello'
    hello_test.rb:13:in `test_say_hello_world_when_called_with_no_arguments'

2 runs, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 1 errors, 0 skips

That error message is telling us that:

Let's check our #hello again:

def hello(name)
  "Hello, #{name}"

Now we have a dilema:

To achieve this we can define a default value for the name argument, like this:

def hello(name = 'world')
  "Hello, #{name}"

As we're defining a default value for the name variable, calling #hello with an argument is optional (if none is passed, it uses the default value).

Run your tests and you should see a successful run. It satisfies the new requirement and we haven't accidentally broken the other functionality.

It is important that your tests are clear specifications of what the code needs to do.

Back to source control

Now that we are happy with the code, I would amend the previous commit so that we only check in the lovely version of our code with its test.


git add hello.rb hello_test.rb
git commit --amend


Let's go over the cycle again:

On the face of it this may seem tedious, but sticking to the feedback loop is important.

Not only does it ensure that you have relevant tests, it helps ensure you design good software by refactoring with the safety of tests.

Seeing the test fail is an important check because it also lets you see what the error message looks like. As a developer it can be very hard to work with a codebase when failing tests do not give a clear idea as to what the problem is.

By ensuring your tests are fast and setting up your tools so that running tests is simple, you can get in to a state of flow when writing your code.

By not writing tests, you are committing to manually checking your code by running your software, which breaks your state of flow. You won't be saving yourself any time, especially in the long run.

Keep going! More requirements

A new requirement arrived! We now need to support a second parameter, specifying the language of the greeting. If we don't recognize the language, default to English.

We should be confident that we can easily use TDD to flesh out this functionality!


Let's write a test for a user passing in Spanish and add it to the existing suite.

def test_say_hello_in_spanish
  expected = "Hola, Juan"
  actual = hello("Juan", "spanish")
  assert_equal expected, actual

Remember not to cheat! Test first.

# Running:


Finished in 0.000772s, 3884.1235 runs/s, 2589.4157 assertions/s.

  1) Error:
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 0..1)
    /path/to/hello.rb:1:in `hello'
    hello_test.rb:19:in `test_say_hello_in_spanish'

3 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 1 errors, 0 skips

We can see that our software is still working for the two initial tests we already have, and failing only for the new one.

We're again having an ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 0..1). That's because in our test we're calling hello("Juan", "spanish"), with 2 arguments.

Let's fix this by adding a new argument to #hello:

def hello(name = 'world', language)
  "Hello, #{name}"

That's our attempt to write just enough code to make the test pass, based on the error message. Then, let's run the test:

# Running:


Finished in 0.000895s, 3351.7981 runs/s, 2234.5321 assertions/s.

  1) Failure:
TestHello#test_say_hello_to_people [hello_test.rb:8]:
Expected: "Hello, meleu"
  Actual: "Hello, world"

  2) Failure:
TestHello#test_say_hello_in_spanish [hello_test.rb:20]:
Expected: "Hola, Juan"
  Actual: "Hello, Juan"

  3) Error:
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1..2)
    /path/to/hello.rb:1:in `hello'
    hello_test.rb:13:in `test_say_hello_world_when_called_with_no_arguments'

3 runs, 2 assertions, 2 failures, 1 errors, 0 skips

😱 Our change broke all tests!!!

Always keep this in mind: if your change breaks tests that are unrelated to your current work, you're probably doing something wrong!

Tests are a safety net that brings confidence to change the code with no fear. If tests fail because you've broken the code, the cure is simple: undo the last change and make a better one.

In our case here we're breaking the previous tests because we added a new mandatory argument: language. In order to fix this we should make it optional by setting a default value for it.

def hello(name = 'world', language = 'english')
  "Hello, #{name}"

Let's run the tests:

# Running:


Finished in 0.000799s, 3755.2759 runs/s, 3755.2759 assertions/s.

  1) Failure:
TestHello#test_say_hello_in_spanish [hello_test.rb:20]:
Expected: "Hola, Juan"
  Actual: "Hello, Juan"

3 runs, 3 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

Good, now we have a failing test output with a clear direction about what must be done to make it pass. It's expecting a greeting with Hola and our code is greeting with Hello, so let's fix this:

def hello(name = 'world', language = 'english')
  if language == 'spanish'
    greeting = 'Hola'
    greeting = 'Hello'

  "#{greeting}, #{name}"

Run the tests and you'll see it pass.

That's great, but we want to make our fancy "Hello World" program to be not only bilingual, but a polyglot!


Let's add a test for the French language.

def test_say_hello_in_french
  expected = 'Bonjour, Jean'
  actual = hello('Jean', 'french')
  assert_equal expected, actual

The test will fail with:

  1) Failure:
TestHello#test_say_hello_in_french [hello_test.rb:26]:
Expected: "Bonjour, Jean"
  Actual: "Hello, Jean"

Then let's write enough code to make the test pass.

def hello(name = 'world', language = 'english')
  if language == 'spanish'
    greeting = 'Hola'
  elsif language == 'french'
    greeting = 'Bonjour'
    greeting = 'Hello'

  "#{greeting}, #{name}"

Run the tests and you'll see it pass.

When our tests succeed after implementing a new feature, it's time to refactor. Let's take this opportunity to learn how to use the case statement.

def hello(name = 'world', language = 'english')
  case language
  when 'spanish'
    greeting = 'Hola'
  when 'french'
    greeting = 'Bonjour'
    greeting = 'Hello'

  "#{greeting}, #{name}"

After the change run the tests again to make sure you didn't break anything.

The code is working as expected, but I'm starting to feel like #hello is accumulating too much logic in it. I want to create a new function just to handle the multilingual greeting.

def hello(name = 'world', language = 'english')
  "#{greeting(language)}, #{name}"

def greeting(language)
  case language
  when 'spanish'
    greeting = 'Hola'
  when 'french'
    greeting = 'Bonjour'
    greeting = 'Hello'

Run the tests and it should pass.

Passing tests triggers a decision for us: refactor or stop coding this feature?

I still want a refactoring to make the #greeting function more idiomatic.

Remember when I said that the last evaluated expression of a ruby function is always returned? The whole case block is an expression and we can make it the last evaluated one:

def greeting(language)
  case language
  when 'spanish'
  when 'french'

Run the tests again and it should pass.

Olá, Hallo, Ciao, Konnichiwa...

As an exercise add greetings for other languages.

Remember the cycle:

Key Concepts

This is probably the fanciest Hello, world you have ever written, isn't it?

We learn a bunch of things here.



The TDD process and why the steps are important

We've gone from hello to hello("name") and then to hello("name", "french") in small and easy to understand steps.

Of course this is trivial compared to "real-world" software, but the principles still stand.

TDD is a skill that needs practice to develop, and by breaking problems down into smaller components that you can test, you will have a much easier time writing and reading software.