Docker Reverse Engineering

Use dfimage to "reverse engineer" the Dockerfile.

# "install" dfimage
docker pull
alias dfimage='docker container run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock'

# the image you want to analyze MUST be present locally
docker image pull ${image}:${tag}

# when passing the image, you MUST specify the tag
dfimage ${image}:${tag}

It won't be explicit. Here are some inconsistencies you may find:

The resulting Dockerfile is still enigmatic, then we'll use dive to analyze each layer and check which files were changed on each layer.

# "install" dive
docker image pull wagoodman/dive:latest
alias dive='docker container run --rm -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock wagoodman/dive:latest'

# run it
dive ${image}:${tag}

Check the hotkeys in the bottom and find a way to filter only changes for each layer.


see also

maybe this app can also be useful for docker image analysis: