The Art & Science of Drawing - Basic Skills

Tutor's website:

Suggested course order:

Day 1: How to begin

Main takeaways

Start with soft marks. Pay attention at the drawings of great masters and notice that they start with incredibly light lines.

How to hold the pencil:

Drawing - udemy - holding the pencil.png

Why this 👆 way? Because it allows more soft strokes.

Good analogy: drawing as sculpting. The soft lines you do first are the raw material and then you start "sculpting" it to have the shape you're looking for.

First marks that you put on your page are not intended to be a perfect representation of what you want.


Practice drawing light lines for 30 minutes.

Day 2: Circles and Ovals

When I was learning how to draw circles and ovals mys instructor told me that I needed to fill ten pages, front and back, with circles and ovals every morning for a year.

Day 3: Straight Lines & The Shapes They Make

Copy 3 times

Drawing - udemy - straight lines.png

Drawing - udemy - angles.png

Drawing - udemy - triangles.png

Drawing - udemy - triangles 2.png

Drawing - udemy - quadrilaterals.png