The GCP resource hierarchy

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Important: policies are inherited downwards in the hierarchy

Any GCP resource belongs to a project.

Projects are the basis for enabling and using GCP services.

Each project is a separate compartment, and each resource belongs to exactly one.

Projects can have different owners and users. They're billed separately, and they're managed separately.

Each project has a name and a project ID.

Project ID vs. Project name vs. Project number:

Project Id Project name Project Number
Globally unique Need not be unique Globally unique
Chosen by you Chosen by you Assigned by GCP
Immutable Mutable Immutable

In general, project IDs are made to be human-readable strings, and you'll use them frequently to refer to projects.

You can use folders to help you to manage your organization's projects.


To use folders, you need an organization node at the top of the hierarchy.

Important rule to keep in mind

Policies implemented at a higher level can NOT take away access that's granted at a lower level.

"The most generous policy, is the one that takes effect." - doubt: an "allow" in the top of the hierarchy has precedence over a "deny" in the specific resource?