OWASP Top 10 - Deep Dive

Udemy course: https://udemy.com/course/the-owasp-top-10-deep-dive/

OWASP Top 10

1. Broken Access Control

Unauthorized information disclosure, modification or destruction...

Fallacy of security through obscurity

the belief that anything that exist on a website that isn't linked or indexed cannot be found.


2. Cryptographic Failures

Focuses on failures related to cryptography which often lead to exposure of sensitive data.

Example: Not using TLS, making it possible to sniff the network and steal cookies

3. SQL Injection

Occur when maliciously crafted inputs are submitted by an attacker, causing an application to perform an unintended action.

Target is databases

Cool exercise: https://www.hacksplaining.com/exercises/sql-injection


3. Cross Site Scripting Attacks (XSS)

(not sure why number 3 is duplicated)

Primarily a client side attack and targets the victim's browser with the use of malicious code.

Very common on message boards, forums and webpages that allow comments

Most common with JavaScript.

Exercise: https://www.hacksplaining.com/exercises/xss-stored

XSS attacks can:


User input should always be filtered.

4. Insecure Design

Risks related to design and architectural flaws with a call for more use of threat modeling and reference architectures.


A cinema chain allows group booking discounts and has a maximum of fifteen attendees before requiring a deposit. Attackers could threat model this flow and test if they could book six hundred seats and all cinemas at once in a few requests, causing a massive loss of income.


  1. Principle of least privilege
  2. Validation of input
  3. Segregation of tenants
    • Different envs such as live and test, should be on separate networks and not share resources.
  4. Encryption
  5. Fail securely
  1. Observe the logs (Observability)

STRIDE methodology

5. Security Misconfiguration


Access to production data should be restricted to internal networks or require use of 2FA.

6. Vulnerable and Outdated Components
