Rust Fundamentals - pluralsight

Link: Rust Fundamentals - pluralsight


Installation instructions from

Stack vs. Heap

Rust Fundamentals - pluralsight - Stack vs Heap.png

Data Types

Arrays and Tuples are very fast at runtime, but are fixed size. Later we'll see we'll the concept of Collections, which allows us to have a dynamic size.

// declaring an array
// explicit type
let location: [f32;2] = [0.0, 0.1];


Strings are complex in Rust as compared to many other languages. This is a trade off that Rust has made to support its core principals:

In rust we have 2 types of strings

String &str (aka String Slice)
vector of u8 data vector of u8 data
mutable immutable
stored on the heap[1] can be stored on the heap, stack or embedded in the compiled code

Converting between the two string types:

fn main() {
  // from &str to String
  let name_slice = "Donald Mallard";
  let name_string = person_name_slice.to_string();
  // it could be:
  // = "Donald Mallard".to_string();
  // = String::from("Donald Mallard");

  // from String to &str
  let name_string = "Donald Mallard".to_string();
  let name_slice1 = &name_string;
  let name_slice2 = name_string.as_str();

Concatenating strings:

fn main() {
  let duck = "Duck";
  let airlines = "Airlines";

  // concat() concatenates &str and returns a String
  let airline_name = [duck, " ", airlines].concat();

  // format!() does the same
  let airline_name = format!("{} {}", duck, airlines);

We'll see this repeatedly: &strs being concatenated in a String.

concatenation will always have an immutable string slice appended to a mutable string.

fn main() {
  let mut slogan = String::new();
  slogan.push_str("We hit the ground");
  slogan.push(' ');
  slogan = slogan + "every time";


fn main() {
  // explicitly saying data type
  let explicit_type: i32 = 42;
  let inferred_type = 3.14;

Casting Variable Data Types

fn main() {
  let float: f32 = 17.2;
  let unsigned_int: u8 = 5;
  // use u8 as f32
  let cast_u8 = unsigned_int as f32;

  // int to char
  let number: u8 = 65;
  let letter = number as char;

  // float to char is an ERROR
  let number: f32 = 65.0;
  let letter = number as char; // ERROR!


Defining a variable with the same name as another variable that's already been declared is called shadowing.

fn main() {
  let my_var = 123;
    let my_var = 321; // shadowing my_var
    println!("{}", my_var);




bitwise operators

Control Flow

if / else

A string can be compared as other data types:

if word == "Duck" {


enum NavigationAids {

fn main() {
  println!("NDB:\t{}", NavigationAids::NDB as u8); // 0
  println!("VOR:\t{}", NavigationAids::VOR as u8); // 1
  println!("VORDME:\t{}", NavigationAids::VORDME as u8); // 2

If you change a value of a field in an enum, the following fields will have a next greater value.


Rust Fundamentals - pluralsight - enum-value1.png

Rust Fundamentals - pluralsight - enum-value2.png



Rust does not have a 'null' data type.

Option is an enumeration which has two values: Some and None.

fn main() {
  let phrase = String::from("Duck Airlines");
  let letter = phrase.chars().nth(15); // out of bound

  let value = match letter {
    Some(character) => character.to_string(),
    None => String::from("No Value")

  println!("{}", value);


Rust match operator is similar to switch statement in other languages.

loop / while



for index in 1..11 {
  println!("{}", index);

Note about ranges

The for is useful to loop through an Iterator.

For now, you can consider a Trait as an interface.

trait Iterator {
  type Item;
  fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;

We can get an iterator from an array using the .iter() method, like here:

fn main() {
  let duck_aircraft = [
    "Boeing 737",
    "Boeing 767",
    "Boeing 787",
    "Airbus 319",
    "Airbus 320",

  for aircracft in duck_aircraft.iter() {
    println!("{}", aircraft);

Ownership and Borrowing


Keep these points in mind:


Ownership and Borrowing only apply to data on the heap



In Rust, there can be one and only one owner of data at a time, at any given memory location.

fn main() {
  let original = String::from("original value");
  println!("original: \t\"{}\"", original);

  let next = original; // original hand over its value to next
  println!("original: \t\"{}\"", original);

Rust Fundamentals - pluralsight - borrow-error.png

When we do let next = original, then original no longer exist.


This is the reason Rust code is both safe and fast. All analysis can be done at compile time rather than runtime.



Borrowing allows another variable to take temporary ownership of data without deallocating the original variable.

We can borrow a value using the & ampersand.

let next = &original;

There's more about borrowing in the video...


video talking about how to use functions with ownership & borrowing.

fn function_name(arg1: type, argN: type) -> return_type {
  // body of the function

Passing arguments to a function:

fn main() {
  let mut original = String::from("original value");
  println!("main(): \t\"{}\"", original);
  change_original(&mut original);

// remember String is on the heap,
// then you need to pass by reference (with '&')
fn print_original(original: &String) {
  println!("print_original: \t\"{}\"", original);

fn change_original(original: &mut String) {
  let next = original; // original no longer owns the memory
  *next = String::from("next value");
  println!("change_original: \t\"{}\"", next);  


Closure is a function that doesn't have a name (aka anonymous function).

Closure with no arguments:

fn main() {
  // two pipes defines a closure (anonymous function)
  || {
    println!("Hey. This is the closure.");
  }; // <-- don't forget the ';'
  // this 👆 is actually useless, as we don't
  // have a way to call that closure.

  // -----

  // assign a closure to a variable
  let hello = || {
    println!("Hello World!");
  // prints "Hello World!"

  // -----

  // passing arguments to a closure
  let hello_name = |name: String| {
    println!("Hello {}!", name);

  // -----

  // returning data from a closure
  let hellof = |name: String| -> String {
    format!("Hello {}", name)
  let phrase = hellofrom("meleu";
  println!("{}", phrase);

Error Handling


Recoverable vs. Unrecoverable Errors

Two options to handle errors:

  1. Handle the error
  2. Propagate the error

More resources

Data Structures and Traits


struct Waypoint {
  name: String,
  latitude: f64,
  longitude: f64,

fn main() {
  let kcle = Waypoint {
    name: "KCLE".to_string(),
    latitude: 41.4075,
    longitude: -81.851111,

  let kslc = Waypoint {
    // copy from the kcle, but overwrite
    // the name
    name: "KSLC".to_string(),


Object Oriented encapsulation: data and methods are contained within a class.

Rust Associated methods: methods are separate from the data that the methods use.

struct Waypoint {
  name: String,
  latitude: f64,
  longitude: f64,

// this is the data
struct Segment {
  start: Waypoint,
  end: Waypoint,

// this is the implementation of the methods
impl Segment {
  fn new(start: Waypoin, end: Waypoint) -> Self {
    Self { start, end }

  fn distance(&self) -> f32 {
    // add logic to calculate the distance
    // between 'start' and 'end'

fn main() {
  // ...
  let point1 = Waypoint {
    // ...
  let point2 = Waypoint {
    // ...

  // calling new from 'impl Segment'
  let point1_2 = Segment::new(point1, point2);
  // now 'point1_2' is an implementation of Segment
  // and has access to its methods
  let distance = point1_2.distance(); // note: no args


Traits define a shared behavior among structs.

Traits are analogous to interfaces in object-oriented languages.

struct Boeing {
  required_crew: u8,
  range: u16,

struct Airbus {
  required_crew: u8,
  range: u16

// trait acts like an interface
trait Flight {
  fn is_legal(
    required_crew: u8,
    available_crew: u8,
    range: u16,
    distance: u16
  ) -> bool;

// implementation of the "interface" Flight
// for the Boeing struct
impl Flight for Boeing {
  fn is_legal(
    required_crew: u8,
    available_crew: u8,
    range: u16,
    distance: u16
  ) -> bool {
    // actual implementation of the method
    // goes here...

// implementation of the "interface" Flight
// for the Airbus struct
impl Flight for Airbus {
  fn is_legal(
    required_crew: u8,
    available_crew: u8,
    range: u16,
    distance: u16
  ) -> bool {
    // actual implementation of the method
    // goes here...

  1. a String is stored on the heap because it can grow and shrink in size. The size is not constant so it cannot be stored on the stack. ↩ī¸Ž