the role
- What is your definition of success for this role?
- What do you expect me to accomplish in the first 1 month/3 months
- What are the usual stacks used at the company?
- Which Ruby/Rails version are you using?
- How do you use source control (branching strategy)?
- Is your infrastructure setup under version control / available as code?
- How do you test code?
- How do you track bugs?
- How do you integrate and deploy changes? Is it CI/CD?
- How frequent do you deploy changes?
- Is there a standardized development environment? Is it enforced?
- Do you employ static code analysis?
the team
- Do you use any tools for project organization? What is your experience with them?
- Who sets the priorities / schedule?
- What kind of meetings happen every week?
- Would there be a regular 1-on-1 with my manager?
- How long is a typical sprint on this team
- (How do you balance technical vs business goals?)
- How do you share knowledge?
- How big is each team?
- What does a code review look like here?
the company / business
- Why is the company hiring? (product growth / new product / fluctuation / ...)
- What are the big challenges you see coming up?
- Who are the other players in this business?
- What have you identified as your competitive advantage?