upcase video course: Onramp to vim
4. Windows & Tabs
In vim terminology Window = Split
" creates a new horizontal split
" creates a new vertical split
" open a file in a new horizontal split
:split filename.ext
" open a file in a new vertical split
:vsplit filename.ext
- Move cursor between windows:
ctrl-w [hjkl]
- Move the window:
ctrl-w [HJKL]
- Resizing:
- vertically:
ctrl-w [+-]
- horizontally:
ctrl-w [<>]
- rebalance sizes:
ctrl-w =
- vertically:
- Break current window into a new tab:
ctrl-w T
" creates an empty tab
" opens a file a new tab
:tabedit filename.ext
- move between tabs:
5. Modes
goes to visual block mode
6. Configuration
" show you all current options in an
" interactive and explanatory way
:browse set
extending the vim language
text objects are awesome!
Some plugins that leverage the vim language:
- tpope/vim-commentary
- tommcdo/vim-exchange
- inkarkat/vim-ReplaceWithRegister
- christoomey/vim-sort-motion
- kana/vim-textobj-user
- kana/vim-textobj-indent
- kana/vim-textobj-line