Today I Learned

List of little things I've been learning...

File tags Last change
giscus - add comments to hugo blog using github discussions 2024-07-24
hurl - convert curl request to hurl code 2024-07-24
database queries from inside neovim
    TypeScript - get type definition from function return value 2024-07-21
    jq - parse only JSON content and ignore the rest 2024-07-10
    GitHub Action - assure branch is up to date with main 2024-07-08
    GitHub Action - push container image to GHCR 2024-07-06
    folding code in LazyVim
      check value of a vim option 2024-07-02
      watchexec - watch file changes and run a command 2024-07-02
      GitHub Actions - pass variables from a job to another 2024-06-28
      reusing GitHub workflows 2024-06-28
      using GitHub Actions to add comments to a PR 2024-04-06
      mermaid - add title to a diagram 2024-03-12
      asdf - shell session forcing specific version 2024-03-12
      fix LazyVim clashing behavior 'gr' 2024-03-11