LazyVim for Ambitious Developers

Interesting things I learned from this book

Search in the visible text

LazyVim comes with the flash.nvim plugin, which allows searching text in the visible text using the s command.

A similar behavior is achieved with the f, but only for a single character.

Jumping History

Opening files



These disappear after a few seconds. Every once in a while, you need to be able to refer back to them.

The secret is to use the keybinding <Space>sn to open the “Noice” search menu.

Programming Languages

Use Mason to install LSPs.

A command you’ll use regularly is <Space>cl, which runs the command :LspInfo. It displays information about any language servers that are currently running and which buffers they are attached to.

If your LSP is having temporary problems—like showing incorrect diagnostics or unable to find a file you know is there—sometimes it just needs to be given a good kick with :LspRestart.

Check the diagnostics section in the book