Planning and Configuring a GCP Solution


3 main approaches to compute:

Options available for specific use cases

Machine Types

3 main families:

Instances are billed based on uptime.

2 other types:

By combining custom machine types with preemptible VMs, you can really optimize costs for fault-tolerant jobs.

Important discounts:

Ways to save money on GCP

Price Calculator

GCP exposes an API for querying pricing data and offers a simplified web page.


Offerings for simple storage:


Choosing the right storage option

Issues to keep in mind:

  1. What's the data model?
    • Example: Relational vs. NoSQL
    • Cloud SQL: if you need a robust managed relational database service.
    • Cloud Spanner if you need global scalability and can tolerate a bit more latency (and high costs)
    • Memorystore: redis service for ultra-low latency in-memory storage
    • Cloud Firestore: document based
    • Bigtable: wide column storage offering
  2. What are my access patterns?
    • read-heavy vs. write-heavy vs. balanced
    • What sort of queries to support?
    • Strict SLA requiring very fast data retrieval? (Cloud SQL)
    • Access from many different regions? (Cloud Spanner)
    • Do we need cache?
  3. What is the expected amount of data now and into the foreseeable future?
  4. Are there any external constraints around cost, compliance, data location, etc.?


Main services:

Network Peering Services

Peering is the process of connecting two separate networks so they can exchange traffic.

Network Security Solutions

A VPC is an isolated subset of a larger network with firewalls to block unauthorized access. Generally it is the key unit of measure for defining your application's network resources.

A GCP VPC can span multiple geographic regions. Instances in US and in Brazil can talk to each other without accessing the public internet.

Niche networking services:

About Traffic Director:

A network traffic management tool specifically for service mesh architectures.

A service mesh is an additional software infrastructure layer that controls service-to-service communication.

GCP Load Balancing

There are 6 types, each designed for a particular type of traffic workload. Three for global distribution, and three for regional.

3 Global types:

3 Regional types:

Planning and Configuring a GCP Solution - Load Balancer options.png

Cloud DNS

DNS providers let you publish domain names and route traffic to specific servers and infrastructure.

Start by creating managed zones within Cloud DNS: