LazyVim for coding

See also: notes/LazyVim

Things I still wanna do

Useful things to know right-away


Sometimes you open a complex code with a lot of blocks with nested indentation.

Useful keybindings to use in these cases:


Sometimes Language Servers don't work and a :LspStart (or :LspRestart) solves the issue.


.bats as shell scripts

This is important to have shfmt and shellcheck even when working on bats files.

Put this at the end of lua/config/options.lua

  extension = { bats = "sh" },

disable json and yaml "renderization"

NOTE: we can also disable conceallevel on demand with <leader>uc


-- Disable the concealing in some file formats
-- This "conceal" thing omits quotes.
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "FileType" }, {
  pattern = { "json", "jsonc", "yaml" },
  callback = function()
    vim.wo.conceallevel = 0



database queries from inside neovim

I started to play with dadbod.vim to interact with a Postgres Data Base, and it is awesome!

For the notes/LazyVim users, you just need to enable lang.sql in :LazyExtrasnow you can do things like:

  • <leader>D - open the DBUI
  • while in normal/visual mode, <leader>S  to run an SQL query
  • you can save your queries

tip: use this connection URL to access a Postgres DB


There are more features, but these simple ones are already killer features for me.

Now I don't need to interrupt my flow to run a simple query in the database.


GitHub Copilot

:LazyExtras -> coding.copilot

I also configured a way to enable/disable copilot in lua/plugins/copilot.lua:

return {
  -- TODO: find a way to toggle copilot

  vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>cpd", ":Copilot disable<cr>", { desc = "GitHub Copilot Disable" }),
  vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>cpe", ":Copilot enable<cr>", { desc = "GitHub Copilot Enable" }),

external plugins


A very satisfying plugin to split blocks with breaklines lines!

return {
  keys = {
      desc = "Toggle Treesitter Split",
  cmd = { "TSJToggle", "TSJSplit", "TSJJoin" },
  opts = { use_default_keymaps = false },

Open in GitHub

Useful to open the current project/file in the browser (or simply copy the URL to the clipboard)


return {
  -- tip from here:
  init = function()
    vim.g.openingh_copy_to_register = true
  keys = {
    -- open in browser
      desc = "Open Repo on Browser",
      desc = "Open File on GitHub",
      desc = "Open Lines on GitHub",
      mode = "v",

    -- yank to clipboard
      desc = "Yank Repo URL",
      desc = "Yank File URL",
      desc = "Yank Lines URL",
      mode = "v",
